Mitten in der heißen Testphase des Garmin Edge 530 bringt Garmin ein großes Sommerupdate für die neuen Edge 530 und Edge 830 Geräte heraus mit zahlreichen Verbesserungen und visuellen Veränderungen.
Die letzten Software Updates von Garmin Edge 1030, Edge 820 und Edge 520 aus Juli haben wir hier für dich zusammengefasst. Im August sind bisher nur Software Updates für die neuen Edge 830 und Edge 530 Geräte erschienen.
Bisher bin ich mit der Leistung des Garmin Edge 530 sehr zufrieden, er läuft sehr stabil und die Akkulaufzeit ist ein Meilenstein. Allerdings schwächelte zuletzt GPS, Glonass und Galileo (alles versucht) und während des Trainings kam alle 10 Sekunden die Warnung, dass das GPS Signal verloren wurde.

Ähnliche Erfahrungen habe ich auch bei meiner 5000kj Challenge gemacht, wo ich 7,5h eine Bergstraße rauf wie runter gefahren bin und die Aufzeichnung ausschaut, als hätte ich 30 verschiedene Wege benutzt. Hast du ähnliche Probleme?
Das Problem, deswegen spreche ich das hier an, scheint mit den Software Update 4.10 nicht behoben zu werden. Hoffnung gibt nur der letzte Punkt der Updates…

Garmin Edge 830 Software Update 4.10
Update vom 05.08.2019
Die Liste des Updates ist lang, was wieder einmal diejenigen Rufe bestätigt, die Garmin unterstellen Geräte mit unzureichender Testung auf den Markt zu werfen und im Laufe der Jahre dann Softwareseitig stabil zu updaten.
Insbesondere die Fehler bei der Unfallbenachrichtigung dürfen einfach nicht passieren und sind mit dem Software Update 4.10 behoben.
Schön sind die Möglichkeiten die Anzeige der Funktion MTB-Sprünge auszuschalten, so begeistert ich anfangs davon war, so genervt bin ich zwischenzeitlich. Wirkliche Sprünge werden häufig nicht gewertet, während starkes Abbremsen häufig einen Sprung auslöst.
Während GPS nur im Bezug auf Ephemeriden Daten Bezug findet, die stabilisiert werden, wenn man Garmin Express benutzt, scheinen meine fehlerhaften Aufzeichnungen und das verlorene GPS Signal in dem Update nicht behoben zu werden oder Garmin verpackt dies unter den letzten Punkt „Allgemeine Verbesserungen zur Stabilität“, der alles oder auch nichts meinen kann.
Changes made from version 3.50 to 4.10:
- Made visual improvements to ClimbPro, including more granular coloring on the ClimbPro chart and the ability to preview future climbs.
- Made ClimbPro a separate screen in the timer loop, so the elevation screen is still available during a climb.
- Fixed issues with ClimbPro that caused the climb or list screens to display improperly.
- Added new ClimbPro messages to activity FIT files.
- Changed the Incident Detection setting to be set for each activity profile, and defaulted the setting to OFF for Mountain and E-Mountain profiles where false positives can be more likely due to terrain and riding style.
- Fixed an issue where Incident Detection could get re-enabled if the user has emergency contacts listed in Garmin Connect.
- Fixed an issue where prompts could appear over the Incident Detection alert, so it could not be acknowledged by the user.
- Added the ability to disable the ForkSight page that appears when you stop during a Mountain activity.
- Added the ability to turn off Grit, Flow, and Jump recording in FIT files for Mountain and E-Mountain activity profiles.
- Added the ability to turn off jump alerts in Mountain and E-Mountain activity profiles. Jumps will still be recorded in the FIT file but you will not be alerted during your ride.
- Improved the MTB Navigation interface to utilize the new Riding Area and parking lot data available in the 2019.10 Trailforks map.
- Fixed an issue where the map zoom and orientation were not properly returning to their original values after the ForkSight page was displayed in a Mountain activity.
- Fixed some map drawing issues with the latest 2019.10 Trailforks maps.
- Started using 7-day GPS ephemeris data instead of 3-day data, to improve positioning when new ephemeris data is not available.
- Added protections against injecting bad GPS ephemeris data that could come from older versions of Garmin Express.
- Fixed issues with popularity routing.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the device to generate large activity files and freeze during navigation.
- Fixed an issue where the battery would not charge to 100%.
- Increased the minimum sharp bend warning speed to 15mph.
- Fixed an issue causing erroneous FTP values.
- Modified the FTP test to lap at the end instead of stopping the timer so the ride will continue to record when the test completes.
- Fixed incorrect automatic gear selection for Di2 shifters.
- Fixed an issue where Di2 battery empty was improperly reported as eBike battery empty.
- Fixed issues with the cycling dynamics page.
- Added the ability to choose between two different radar tones.
- Fixed a display issue with the power zone chart.
- Fixed some display issues with the lap summary data screen.
- Improved the interface for editing data fields on the map screen.
- Added extra layout options to the map page to support a larger elevation profile.
- Made improvements to the elevation profile for segments embedded in a course.
- Fixed an issue where Connect IQ data fields could only be added to the current activity profile.
- Improved LiveTrack reliability and added better user feedback to convey the LiveTrack status.
- Improved overall device stability.
Das Garmin Edge 830 Software Update 4.10 kannst du dir hier herunterladen.
Garmin Edge 530 Software Update 4.10
Update vom 05.08.2019
Das Garmin Edge 530 Software Update 4.10 beinhaltet die gleichen Veränderungen wie das Update des Garmin Edge 830.
Changes made from version 3.50 to 4.10:
- Made visual improvements to ClimbPro, including more granular coloring on the ClimbPro chart and the ability to preview future climbs.
- Made ClimbPro a separate screen in the timer loop, so the elevation screen is still available during a climb.
- Fixed issues with ClimbPro that caused the climb or list screens to display improperly.
- Added new ClimbPro messages to activity FIT files.
- Changed the Incident Detection setting to be set for each activity profile, and defaulted the setting to OFF for Mountain and E-Mountain profiles where false positives can be more likely due to terrain and riding style.
- Fixed an issue where Incident Detection could get re-enabled if the user has emergency contacts listed in Garmin Connect.
- Fixed an issue where prompts could appear over the Incident Detection alert, so it could not be acknowledged by the user.
- Added the ability to disable the ForkSight page that appears when you stop during a Mountain activity.
- Added the ability to turn off Grit, Flow, and Jump recording in FIT files for Mountain and E-Mountain activity profiles.
- Added the ability to turn off jump alerts in Mountain and E-Mountain activity profiles. Jumps will still be recorded in the FIT file but you will not be alerted during your ride.
- Improved the MTB Navigation interface to utilize the new Riding Area and parking lot data available in the 2019.10 Trailforks map.
- Fixed an issue where the map zoom and orientation were not properly returning to their original values after the ForkSight page was displayed in a Mountain activity.
- Fixed some map drawing issues with the latest 2019.10 Trailforks maps.
- Started using 7-day GPS ephemeris data instead of 3-day data, to improve positioning when new ephemeris data is not available.
- Added protections against injecting bad GPS ephemeris data that could come from older versions of Garmin Express.
- Fixed issues with popularity routing.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the device to generate large activity files and freeze during navigation.
- Fixed an issue where the battery would not charge to 100%.
- Increased the minimum sharp bend warning speed to 15mph.
- Fixed an issue causing erroneous FTP values.
- Modified the FTP test to lap at the end instead of stopping the timer so the ride will continue to record when the test completes.
- Fixed incorrect automatic gear selection for Di2 shifters.
- Fixed an issue where Di2 battery empty was improperly reported as eBike battery empty.
- Fixed issues with the cycling dynamics page.
- Added the ability to choose between two different radar tones.
- Fixed a display issue with the power zone chart.
- Fixed some display issues with the lap summary data screen.
- Improved the interface for editing data fields on the map screen.
- Added extra layout options to the map page to support a larger elevation profile.
- Made improvements to the elevation profile for segments embedded in a course.
- Fixed an issue where Connect IQ data fields could only be added to the current activity profile.
- Implemented better user feedback to convey the LiveTrack status.
- Improved overall device stability.
Das Garmin Edge 530 Software Update 4.10 kannst du dir hier herunterladen.