Garmin Edge Software Update Beta Version 5.48

Veröffentlichung: 08. Mai 2020

Insbesondere ab Beta 5.25 ist ein gravierendes Problem mit der 12fach Sram Schaltung behoben, so dass derzeit nur mit der Beta bei der Sram AXS in der Auswertung die Zeiten/Leistung in allen 12 Gängen richtig ausgegeben wird. Vorher wurde die Zeit auf dem 11. und 12. Ritzeln zusammen ausgegeben. Weiterhin fehlerhaft bleibt die Zeit in den Gängen in Bezug auf die Gesamtfahrtzeit, denn der Garmin gibt die zeit in den Gängen leider nicht als Bewegungszeit sondern als Gesamtzeit an Sram weiter.

Außerdem wurden die Grit/Flow Aufzeichnungen überarbeitet, Sprünge werden jetzt deutlich zuverlässiger aufgezeichnet und weniger fehlerhaft. Ich fahre das Update seit mehreren Wochen auf meinem Garmin Edge 530 und habe keine Abstürze verzeichnet.

Changes made from version 5.44 to 5.48:

  • Fixed an issue with sensor connectivity.
  • Added diagnostics to help track down an issue where the device can lock up.

Changes made from version 5.34 to 5.44:

  • Added diagnostics to help track down an issue where the device can lock up.

Changes made from version 5.31 to 5.34:

  • Fixed an issue that caused bike radar disconnections.

Changes made from version 5.28 to 5.31:

  • Fixed an issue with sensors dropping out.
  • Fixed an issue where the device could become unresponsive.
  • Fixed an issue where ascent remaining was not properly calculated for segments embedded in a course.
  • Allow the elevation profile setting on the map to be maintained through future software updates.

Changes made from version 5.26 to 5.28:

  • Made stability improvements including a fix for a potential device freeze.

Changes made from version 5.25 to 5.26:

  • Added the ability to set target grade in the context menu for Indoor Trainer rides.
  • Fixed an issue where saved location names were drawn incorrectly on the map in night mode.
  • Fixed invalid Grit/Flow values appearing on the activity lap summary.

Changes made from version 5.24 to 5.25:

  • Fixed an issue with 12-speed gear shifting systems.
  • Fixed the Indoor Trainer ‚Remind Me‘ prompt to ensure it does not prompt again if the user declines the reminder.
  • Changed the trainer resistance data field title to Grade for better clarity.
  • Modified the prompt for LiveTrack auto start timeout to occur at most once per activity.
  • Fixed an issue with ClimbPro where some short climbs were not detected.
  • Fixed an issue that caused POIs to show incorrect bearing and distance.
  • Only show Grit and Flow in the activity summary if they are valid.
  • Added letters to the Polish keyboard support Wi-Fi passwords that require non-Polish characters.
  • Fixed an issue that could keep the device from fully entering suspend mode.

Changes made from version 5.10 to 5.24:

  • Indoor Riding Improvements
    – Added the ability to set system time using WiFi or Bluetooth when GPS is not available.
    – Added a Free Ride indoor trainer mode that enables the trainer to be set to a target grade.
    – Added a ‚Remind Me‘ prompt for the trainer search.
    – Made a change so LiveTrack is not started automatically for indoor or virtual activities.
    – Prevent light network from forming indoors.
  • Elevation and ClimbPro Improvements
    – Added grade coloring to the elevation chart.
    – Added grade coloring for segments.
    – Changed the ein Bekanntere to Destination data field to show estimated time to the top of the climb if ClimbPro is activated.
    – Fixed an issue with cumulative ascent and ClimbPro not working properly when a course is transferred from Garmin Connect.
    – Fixed incorrect category colors on the ClimbPro page.
  • Made Mountain Bike feature settings available in all activity profiles to allow for Grit, Flow, and Jump data metrics to be enabled if desired. These remain turned off by default for all non-MTB profiles.
  • Added the ability to configure the minimum ride length that should prompt for Nutrition/Hydration intake.
  • Added the ability to customize the activity track color on the map.
  • Fixed an issue where GPS satellites were lost more often than they should be.
  • Improved Bluetooth friendly names to include BLE and BT so they can be distinguished from each other.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause unit-to-unit transfers to fail.
  • Fixed an issue with OSM roundabouts giving incorrect guidance.
  • Fixed an issue where the Course Creator out-and-back was not working properly.
  • Integrated the ability to use cached weather data for Firstbeat analysis.
  • Updated the turn review map page so the distance on the top left of the screen updates and the data field on the bottom left shows Heading.
  • Made OK the first response for LiveTrack and Text Message response prompts to minimize interaction while riding.
  • Improved the Reset HR Zones and Reset Power Zones behavior to only reset the zones and not the Max HR value or FTP.
  • Made it easier to switch between the month/week view in the Training Plan calendar page.
  • Fixed the alert sound not working when a workout is complete.
  • Fixed false level of timer precision on Garmin segments.
  • Fixed handling for long course names.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the device to lock up.
  • Fixed ANT+ shifting data not being correctly written to FIT files.

Changes made from version 5.02 to 5.03:

  • Fixed an issue where sensors would not connect to Connect IQ data fields after powering on the device.

Changes made from version 5.00 to 5.02:

  • Fixed an issue that could cause instability when using Connect IQ apps and data fields.
  • Fixed an issue where data could be missing from segment FIT files.

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